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About Us

Wig Wag Simulations is a leading community-created content creation group offering locomotives, rolling stock, horns, routes, sounds, and other related content pieces for Trainz Railroad Simulators. We strive to provide rail enthusiasts with an array of engaging and realistic content that enriches their virtual railroading and gaming experiences. 


Guided by a passion for trains and a commitment to excellence, our group aims to foster a community that encourages creativity, fosters learning, and nurtures innovation. We believe in the power of collective expertise, where each member's talents are celebrated, respected, and utilized to create a collective synergy that produces exceptional content.


Our team consists of accomplished members of diverse backgrounds around the United States who combine their railroading and gaming interests to make a contribution to the Trainz community by sharing their creations. Even if hockey, football, drawing, or cello occupy our lives, all of our members make individual time to develop high-quality content and contribute to the Trainz community.


With over 400+ followers, Wig Wag Simulations has risen to the top over the years, gaining more attention each day, expanding our creativity, and exploring more opportunities. We are proud to hold the title of being one of the best content creation groups for the N3V trainz series. The community Discord is 300+ members strong with frequent activity discussing Trainz, railroading, and life. We also initiated our own fan showcase, in which community members show off WWS creations in their own games. Additionally, we allow community members to host their content on our site, showing our gratitude to some of our fanbase’s best contributors. 


Wig Wag Simulations strives to provide rail enthusiasts with an array of engaging and realistic content that enriches their virtual railroading and gaming experiences. With enthusiasm, dedication, and a shared love for trains, we embark on this journey, united by our commitment to advancing Trainz content creation and, in turn, fostering a community that thrives on collaboration and celebrates the art and pleasure of railroading.


Meet Our Team!

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